Our client, a 20-year-old man, had a brain tumor but was denied initially. We submitted additional evidence and argument that won him benefits at the Reconsideration stage.
Our client, a 60-year-old man, was diagnosed with HIV more than a decade earlier; it was considered under good control but he suffered from the side effects of his medication and could no longer do his previous heavy manual labor.…
In this confidential settlement, reached on the eve of trial, Cynthia Newton reached a multiple six-figure settlement on behalf of a journeyman electrician in his 50’s permanently disabled from his occupation. The settlement was reached with the general contractor, whose…
Our client was pinned between two cars when a pickup driven by a young man intoxicated on Oxycodone, combined with four other prescription medications, collided with a parked car. Yvonne suffered traumatic amputation of both legs above the knee. We…
A minivan driver’s carrier paid full benefits to our client, a cyclist struck when the driver made an unwitnessed left turn into her driveway in the West Hills. The automobile insurance carrier paid the bodily injury limits, personal injury protection…
TCNF partner Cynthia Newton obtained a confidential 7-figure settlement shortly before trial on behalf of a 34-year-old undocumented worker, wife and mother of three, who suffered a stroke which doctors did not diagnose for over 12 hours. After the patient…