Representative Cases
Electrician v. General Contractor 2010
In this confidential settlement, reached on the eve of trial, Cynthia Newton reached a multiple six-figure settlement on behalf of a journeyman electrician in his 50’s permanently disabled from his occupation. The settlement was reached with the general contractor, whose insurer also served as the workers’ compensation benefits payor. The settlement took into account medical expenses and time loss to date and “cashed out” future lost income and vocational rehabilitation benefits. The electrician was injured on a high rise project when the employee of another subcontractor backed a forklift into the ladder on which he was standing, causing him to fall onto his outstretched arm, dislocating and seriously injuring his shoulder, which had been dislocated previously in an unrelated incident. TCNF workers’ compensation specialist Chris Frost obtained the entitlement to the underlying workers’ compensation benefits.