TCNF Supports Better Naito!

On Thursday, September 28th, TCNF attorneys Cynthia Newton and Chris Thomas joined a demonstration in support of creating a permanent protected bike lane on Naito Parkway.  During the past three summers, the City of Portland has temporarily dedicated one auto traffic lane on Naito for use as a protected bike lane known as Better Naito.  With the seasonal removal of Better Naito approaching, demonstrators on Thursday asked the City to make Better Naito permanent by creating a human barrier between the bicycle lane and adjacent auto traffic.  Cynthia and Chris, who use Better Naito as part of their daily bicycle commutes, were proud to join over 100 other demonstrators to support this important project that makes bicycle commuting safer.  If you would like to voice your support for making Better Naito permanent, please share your thoughts with the City at