Doug Hagen, Portland
I practiced personal injury law in Portland for most of my nearly forty-one-year career.
In 2012 I was retained by a 31-year-old husband and father of two who had been catastrophically injured - including being permanently blinded in both eyes - when he was run over by a piece of construction equipment in a work accident in Clark County, Washington. In on-the-job accidents, a worker may not sue his employer for negligence and this was one of those cases where any case against other contractors on the job would be expensive, legally complex and technically challenging. I decided, after conducting many hours of research and investigation, that a case could be made but it would be a long and expensive undertaking. While continuing to work on the case, I began looking for help from another firm. I talked with a number of lawyers but each of them thought that the case would be too expensive and difficult to take on. Then a trial lawyer friend of mine recommended Ray Thomas and his firm. I had known Ray for many years and called him up and gave him an overview of the case. He was aware of the difficulties but felt the case had merit, so he and his partner Cynthia Newton filed a Freedom of Information action and obtained access to all of the thousands of pages of documents for the construction project. The documents revealed that the other contractors on the job site had failed to provide a job site plan for safe movement of equipment and traffic, despite the fact that run over, backing and pinch point injuries and deaths are extreme dangers for workers on jobs like this one. Their partner, Jim Coon, filed the personal injury and loss of consortium lawsuit in both Oregon and Washington, and he fought to obtain the necessary legal rulings to go forward with the case. After many depositions and other preparation for trial, the case was finally settled shortly before trial, in February 2017, in a confidential settlement that included satisfaction of a large Washington Labor and Industries lien.I believe that the work done by Ray, Jim, Cynthia and their staff was pivotal to obtaining an excellent result for our client, and also delivered the important message that job traffic control safety is important. Without their strong work it is unlikely that such favorable results would have been obtained.