Bicycle, Sidewalks and the Law: Mass Transit


Chapter 16.50 Mass Transit

Table of Contents

16.50.001 Purpose.

This section describes how mass transit lanes are designated, the regulations that apply, and which vehicles may use them.

16.50.100 Designation of Transit Lanes.

Designation of transit lanes will be made by the City Traffic Engineer upon advice of the City Engineer and the Tri-County Metropolitan Service District of Oregon (Tri-Met). Designation will be shown by official signs or markings. Signs or markings will distinguish whether the transit lane may be used by:

A. Bus only;

B. Light rail vehicle only;

C. Trolley or streetcar vehicle; or

D. Carpool vehicle only; or some combination of the above.

16.50.200 Prohibited Use of Transit Lanes.

A. Except as otherwise provided for in this Section, no vehicle may enter upon, park on, or use an officially designated transit lane.

B. Restrictions on transit lane use will vary depending on whether the lane is designated for light rail, motor bus, trolley, or carpool use.

16.50.300 Vehicles Allowed In Transit Lanes.

The following vehicles may enter upon, stop or park in a transit lane:

A. A vehicle owned or operated by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon.

B. A vehicle so allowed by the terms of a contract or franchise with the City of Portland or Tri-Met.

C. A police, fire, ambulance, or outpatient vehicle, if performing emergency services.

D. A vehicle and equipment engaged in emergency:

1. Towing;

2. Snow removal; or

3. Street, sewer, utility, bus or fire alarm repair.

16.50.400 Vehicles Allowed in Transit Lanes During Certain Hours.

(Amended by Ordinance No. 173627, effective August 4, 1999.)

A. A vehicle may enter upon and park in a transit lane if the lane is closed by a street closure permit from the City Engineer per 17.44.020 and if the vehicle is specifically authorized to do so by the street closure permit.

B. A vehicle with a travel lane parking permit (16.20.550) or an angle loading permit (16.20.540) may park in a transit lane if authorized to do so by the permit.

C. A public utility or construction vehicle engaged in work on or adjacent to a transit lane may enter upon, park, and use transit lanes designated for bus-only use except during the following hours: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, after giving notification as required by regulations governing the Special Traffic Control District (17.23.050).

D. A public utility or construction vehicle engaged in work on or adjacent to a transit lane may enter upon, park, and use transit lanes designated for bus-only use between the hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and/or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, when specifically allowed during this time by a permit from the City Traffic Engineer. The City Traffic Engineer will notify Tri-Met and the City Engineer before issuing such a permit.

E. A vehicle requiring direct access to properties facing a transit lane for ingress/egress or special loading may enter upon and use (but not park in) the transit lane(s) between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. A permit from the City Traffic Engineer is required for this access between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.

F. A taxicab, for hire vehicle, delivery vehicle, maintenance vehicle, or garbage truck may enter certain transit lanes during times established by the Bureau of Transportation System Management=s “Rules and Procedures” Manual.

16.50.500 Regulation and Permit Procedure.

A. The Traffic Engineer must notify the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon of any rule, regulation or permit proposed to be issued under this chapter. The rule, regulation or permit will become effective on a date agreed upon by both parties. In the event of disagreement between Tri-Met and the Traffic Engineer, the City Council will determine whether the rule be adopted or the permit issued based upon the amount of interference to mass transit operations.

B. No limitation or prohibition of use herein applies to vehicles on a street intersecting or crossing a transit lane unless it is specifically designated as a transit lane.