Representative Cases

Executive and Family v. Hotel 2016 Washington State

TCNF partners Jim Coon and Cynthia Newton obtained a confidential 7-figure settlement on behalf of a corporate chief executive officer who was traveling on business for his employer and fell on a poorly marked and unlit step while checking into a local hotel. In the fall he struck his prosthetic knee sustaining a bruise, swelling and small cut. Several weeks later, he suffered acute septic shock stemming from an infection that lodged in his knee prosthesis because of the fall.  Over the next two years he required four corrective knee surgeries and developed medical conditions affecting his liver, kidney and spleen. He was unable to return to work. Claims included the executive’s injury claim, as well as his wife’s and children’s loss of consortium claims.  The settlement included compromise of a 6-figure Washington Department of Labor and Industries lien while preserving his right to an L&I pension.

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