Representative Cases
Another Right Hook - Bike Commuter v. Car Turning Right 2020
Our client was headed home from work in downtown Portland, on SE Hawthorne Blvd, riding eastbound in the bike lane. The driver turned his van right without checking his rearview mirror. Our client and his bike hit the van’s front bumper so hard that it tore off, landing in the street. Fortunately, our client was wearing his bike helmet, though the impact, and his resulting concussion were such that he still doesn’t remember what happened exactly. We located a video camera at a local business and several witnesses through the police report, which made it easy to convince the driver’s insurer to pay the limits of its policy. Our client had car insurance, and his underinsured motorist coverage, which is required in Oregon and has the same policy limits as your liability limits, was substantially larger than the defendant’s coverage limit, and is expected to allow full compensation for his injuries and medical expenses, which were initially covered by PIP (Personal Injury Protection).