Ray Thomas Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek

Swanson, Thomas, Coon & Newton’s Ray Thomas was recently featured in Bloomberg Businessweek’s article “Portland Is Top Bike-to-Work City as Lawyers Hit Street.” The Bicycle and Pedestrian Law Attorney specifically discusses how Portland’s weather is perfect for bicycling and how having more bicyclists on the road has actually made cycling safer in Portland.

Portland is the number 1 bike commuting city in the U.S. according to the 2010 census. The city has a bike master plan that gives cyclists priority on certain streets along with bike lanes, paths, and greenways. The latest update in the plan is expected to increase the number of trips made by bicycle by 2030. This may influence other cities to jump on board and start more aggressively encouraging bike commuting.

The staff at Swanson, Thomas, Coon & Newton wants to keep people informed and provide helpful information for bicyclists and pedestrians. Check out their extensive library of articles that discuss Bicycle and Pedestrian Law. You can also explore our “Rules of the Road Cards”, a fun way for bicyclists and pedestrians to learn road rules.