Written by Ray Thomas of Swanson, Thomas, Coon & Newton, Attorneys at Law unless otherwise indicated
Index of Articles by Subject
- Accidents and Collisions; Injuries and Property Damage
- Bicycles and the Rules of the Road
- Insurance, the Courts and Police
- Citizen Prosecution of Dangerous Drivers
- Harassment by Motorists
- Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Crosswalks, and Shoulders, oh my!
- Pedestrians (they are part of the revolution too!)
- Changes in the Law
- Public Relations 101
- Safety
- Miscellaneous
1. Accidents and Collisions: Injuries and Property Damage
- Accidents and Insurance (February 2001)
- Accidents That Result In Property Damage (February 2014)
- Avoiding Typical Accidents (April 2005)
- Bicycles and the Law, Accidents and Insurance (October 2006)
- Bicycles and the Law, Accident Insurance for Bicyclists (April 2007)
- Bicycles and the Law, Injuries and Law Change (January 2007)
- Car-doored Again? The Law Is On Your Side! (May 2005)
- Fatal Right Hook; Hazard From Right Turning Motorists (November 2008)
- Hit and Run, What to Do (December 2014)
- Left Turning Motorist Syndrome (March 1998)
- What To Do After the Collision? You Thought You Were Fine But Now Know You Are Hurt (March 2010)
- What to do if You’re in an Accident (June 2006)
- What to do (Si Accidente) – en Espanol (June 2006)
2. Bicycles and the Rules of the Road
- Bicycles and Buses (September 2003)
- Bicycles Not Subject to Oregon’s Slow Moving Vehicle Law (November 2002)
- Bicycling Laws for Beginning Riders (April 2000)
- Bicycles on Sidewalks (July 2002)
- Bicycles, Sidewalks and the Law (July 2000)
- Bike Lanes Revisited (September 1999)
- But How Much Road? (July 1999)
- Car-doored Again? The Law Is On Your Side! (May 2005)
- Definitions Make a Difference (July 2001)
- Do Bicyclists Lose Their Right To The Road When Off Bicycle? (May 2006)
- Fatal Right Hook; Hazard From Right Turning Motorists (November 2008)
- Law of Funeral Processions and Bicyclists (March 2012)
- Left Turning Motorist Syndrome (March 1998)
- Motorized Vehicle Access to Bicycle Lanes and Paths (April 2004)
- New Law Creates Crime of Vehicular Assault of Bicyclists (June 2001)
- ODOT: Prohibit of Bicycles on Metro Area Freeways (March 2006)
- Oregon Bicycle Lighting (February 2000)
- Oregon Law of Passing on the Right from a Bicyclist’s Perspective (February 2015)
- Oregon Makes Dangerous Storm Drains Illegal (April 2002)
- Oregon’s Passing Laws Relating to Bicycles (December 2011)
- Oregon’s 2007 “Safe Passing” Law, SB 108 (January 2008)
- Portland City Ordinance Chapter 16.50 (Trimet)
- Right of Way Continues Without Painted Lines (January 2010)
- Signals February 1997)
- Skaters, Bladers and Bicyclists: Same Legal Status in Portland (March 2001)
- Some Thoughts on the 2009 Legislative Session and The Demise (Again) of Idaho-Style Stops and Vehicular Homicide Laws (May 2009)
- Straightening The Shelves (February 2005)
- We have a Right to the Freeway, but which Freeway? (October 2000)
- We Know We Have a Right to the Road, But What Does That Mean? (July 2010)
- Yellow Lights (May 1997)
3. Insurance, the Courts and Police
- Accidents and Insurance (February 2001)
- Accidents That Result In Property Damage (February 2014)
- Bicycles and the Law, Accidents and Insurance (October 2006)
- Bicycles and the Law, Accident Insurance for Bicyclists (April 2007)
- Bicycles and the Law, Injuries and Law Change (January 2007)
- Citizen’s Guide to Traffic Court (August 2005)
- Lawsuit Phobia (May 2002)
- Making Insurance Companies Play by the Rules (November 2012)
- New Law Creates Crime of Vehicular Assault of Bicyclists (June 2001)
- Riding Under Coverage: Oregon Insurance Laws (June 2014)
- Refusal To Identify Oneself While Riding A Bicycle (updated April 2008)
- Vulnerable Roadway User (October 2007)
- What to do if You’re in an Accident (June 2006)
- What to do (Si Accidente) – en Espanol (June 2006)
- Why Sue Dead Beat Drivers for Injury to Bicyclists? (April 2001)
- Bicycle Dooring in Oregon: Use a Request For Admissions to Further Your Case (May 2016)
4. Citizen Prosecution of Dangerous Drivers
- Citizen Prosecution of Dangerous Drivers – A Users’ Guide (June 2008)
- Dangerous Neighborhood Cranks: What To Do About Them (December 2007)
- Motorist’s Repeat Harassment of Bicyclists (April 2008)
- Vulnerable Roadway User (October 2007)
5. Harassment by Motorists
- Dangerous Neighborhood Cranks: What To Do About Them (December 2007)
- Harassment of Bicyclists (September 2007)
- Harassment of Bicycle Riders (May 2013)
- Heckled (February 2002)
- Motorist Harassment-Winter Update (November 2001)
- Motorist’s Repeat Harassment of Bicyclists (April 2008)back to index
6. Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Crosswalks, and Shoulders
- Bike Lane Right of Way Continues Even Without Painted Line Through Intersection (May 2011)
- 2006 Oregon Law On Crosswalks (February 2006)
- Bicycles and the Law, Bicyclists Must Mix With Pedestrians On Sidewalks (June 2007)
- Bicycles and the Law, Pedestrian Rights (July 2007)
- Bicycles on Sidewalks (July 2002)
- Bicycles, Sidewalks and the Law (July 2000)
- Bike Lanes Revisited (September 1999)
- Multi-Use Paths (November 1999)
- Oregon Makes Dangerous Storm Drains Illegal (April 2002)
- Skaters, Bladers and Bicyclists: Same Legal Status in Portland (March 2001)
- When is a Shoulder not a Sidewalk (September 1995)
- PBOT’s Crossbikes Crossings Add Further Confusion to Intersections (August 2016)
- Do Not Let the Driver’s Insurance Say You are at Fault for Passing on the Right Because You Were Not in a Bike Lane If You Got Right Hooked and the Driver Did Not Signal (Sept. 2016)
7. Pedestrians
- The Oregon 2011 Pedestrian “Revolution”: How Do We Make the Cars Stop Without Entering the Killing Zone? (March 2013)
- Ambiguous Intersections (August 2012)
- 2006 Oregon Law On Crosswalks (February 2006)
- Bicycles and the Law, Bicyclists Must Mix With Pedestrians On Sidewalks (June 2007)
- Bicycles and the Law, Pedestrian Rights (July 2007)
- Bicycles on Sidewalks (July 2002)
- Bicycles, Sidewalks and the Law (July 2000)
- Multi-Use Paths (November 1999)
- Oregon Pedestrian Rights in the Crosswalk 2007 (August 2007)
- Product Liability and Product Improvement (May 2001)
8. Changes in the Law
- Are We Ready For An Idaho Style Bicycle Yield Law? (November 2008)
- Bicycles and the Law, Injuries and Law Change (January 2007)
- Left Turning Motorist Syndrome (March 1998)
- New Law Creates Crime of Vehicular Assault of Bicyclists (June 2001)
- ODOT: Prohibit of Bicycles on Metro Area Freeways (March 2006)
- Oregon Makes Dangerous Storm Drains Illegal (April 2002)
- Reform Oregon Law to Legalize Safe Riding Practices (April 2006)
- Straightening The Shelves (February 2005)
- Vulnerable Roadway User (October 2007)
9. Public Relations 101
- Are We Ready For An Idaho Style Bicycle Yield Law? (November 2008)
- Backlash Against Bicyclists (January 1998)
- Bicycles and Buses (September 2003)
- Dangerous Neighborhood Cranks: What To Do About Them (December 2007)
- Left Turning Motorist Syndrome (March 1998)
- Some Thoughts on the 2009 Legislative Session and The Demise (Again) of Idaho-Style Stops and Vehicular Homicide Laws (May 2009)
- Strategies Regarding Public Irritation With Bicyclists (February 2004)
- Trouble In The Family (November 2004)
10. Safety
- How To Prevent Bike Theft / What To Do if it Happens To You (May 2007)
- Let’s Eradicate Dangerous Street Drains (March 2004)
- Oregon Bicycle Lighting (February 2000)
- Oregon Makes Dangerous Storm Drains Illegal (April 2002)
- Self-Defense For Bicyclists (January 2006)
- What You Don’t Know May Hurt You (March 2005)
- Wheels That Don’t Roll (August 2001)
11. Miscellaneous
- A Series Of Errors (January 2001)
- Brake Pad Rim Wear (March 2000)
- How To Prevent Bike Theft / What To Do if it Happens To You (May 2007)
- Mimicry (March 2002)
- Product Liability and Product Improvement (May 2001)
- What You Don’t Know May Hurt You (March 2005)
- Who Let the Dogs Out? (May 2003 ? Updated July 2013)
- Self-Defense For Bicyclists (January 2006)